GHEtool in literature

Below is a general list of all the articles which use or mention GHEtool in literature. Please let us know if we missed a contribution.

Note that for some of the publications, the code used in that publication, is available in this ReadTheDocs. In this way, we want to contribute to the transparency in the academic world by sharing computer code so it is easier to replicate and verify published results.

The articles for which this is the case, are:

Coninx, M., De Nies, J., Hermans, L., Peere, W., Boydens, W., Helsen, L. (2024). Cost-efficient cooling of buildings by means of geothermal borefields with active and passive cooling. Applied Energy, 355, Art. No. 122261,

Peere, W., Hermans, L., Boydens, W., and Helsen, L. (2023). Evaluation of the oversizing and computational speed of different open-source borefield sizing methods. In Proceedings of International Building Simulation Conference 2023. Shanghai (Belgium), 4-6 September 2023.

Weynjes, J. (2023). Methode voor het dimensioneren van een geothermisch systeem met regeneratie binnen verschillende ESCO-structuren. Master thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Hermans, L., Haesen, R., Uytterhoeven, A., Peere, W., Boydens, W., Helsen, L. (2023). Pre-design of collective residential solar districts with seasonal thermal energy storage: Importance of level of detail. Applied thermal engineering 226, Art.No. 120203, 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.120203

Cimmino, M., Cook., J. C. (2022). pygfunction 2.2 : New Features and Improvements in Accuracy and Computational Efficiency. In Proceedings of IGSHPA Research Track 2022. Las Vegas (USA), 6-8 December 2022.

Verleyen, L., Peere, W., Michiels, E., Boydens, W., Helsen, L. (2022). The beauty of reason and insight: a story about 30 years old borefield equations. IEA HPT Magazine 40(3), 36-39,

Peere, W., Boydens, W., Helsen, L. (2022). GHEtool: een open-sourcetool voor boorvelddimensionering. Presented at the 15e warmtepompsymposium: van uitdaging naar aanpak, Quadrivium, Heverlee, België.

Peere, W., Coninx, M., De Nies, J., Hermans, L., Boydens, W., Helsen, L. (2022). Cost-efficient Cooling of Buildings by means of Borefields with Active and Passive Cooling. Presented at the 15e warmtepompsymposium: van uitdaging naar aanpak, Quadrivium, Heverlee, België.

Peere, W. (2022). Technologieën voor de energietransitie. Presented at the Energietransitie in meergezinswoningen en kantoorgebouwen: uitdagingen!, VUB Brussel Bruxelles - U Residence.

Peere, W., Blanke, T.(2022). GHEtool: An open-source tool for borefield sizing in Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(76), 4406,

Sharifi., M. (2022). Early-Stage Integrated Design Methods for Hybrid GEOTABS Buildings. PhD thesis, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University.

Coninx M., De Nies J. (2022). Cost-efficient Cooling of Buildings by means of Borefields with Active and Passive Cooling. Master thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Michiels, E. (2022). Dimensionering van meerdere gekoppelde boorvelden op basis van het type vraagprofiel en de verbinding met de gebruikers. Master thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Vanpoucke, B. (2022). Optimale dimensionering van boorvelden door een variabel massadebiet. Master thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Haesen, R., Hermans, L. (2021). Design and Assessment of Low-carbon Residential District Concepts with (Collective) Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage. Master thesis, Departement of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Peere, W., Picard, D., Cupeiro Figueroa, I., Boydens, W., and Helsen, L. (2021). Validated combined first and last year borefield sizing methodology. In Proceedings of International Building Simulation Conference 2021. Brugge (Belgium), 1-3 September 2021.

Peere, W. (2020). Methode voor economische optimalisatie van geothermische verwarmings- en koelsystemen. Master thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium.